Yoogirls Foot Domination


Foot fetish Stories - Sexually Explicit

I'd been working as a night janitor at an all girl four-year business school. This was a job any footman would love.There were always plenty of pretty feet to see, both with and without shoes. 
I had ample opportunity to stand and stare and drool over them without making my desire for obvious.

I had the run of the school from six PM until the early hours of the morning. I was alone and I carried a beeper. Should any accidental mishaps occur, such as a spill or a leak, my pager would alert me and I'd respond. Usually it was a late night cram session where the girls would be group studying over pizza and cokes and someone would start horsing around and then spill the drinks. No biggie! I'd come around with a mop and my bucket and wipe it up. I am supposed to report horseplay but heck, most of these women are just trying to better themselves and I don't want to get anyone in any trouble with the dean.

One night my beeper went off, I called the number and a woman was crying. She coughed out that she was in the study room in the back of the school and there was an accident and she needed my help to clean up a big mess. Usually only one or two women use that particular study room since it is secluded and often colder with less furniture. I only cleaned back there once or twice a week so it surprised me to hear about any large mess. Also since she sounded so upset I figured I'd hurry on up there to check it out.

When I got to the room I saw here. It was a second year student named Jennifer Dowden. She was 25, had below the shoulder length brown hair, a pretty face with an athletic body. I'd been eyeing her since she started here. She would hardly be without fashionable footwear, which usually matched her outfits. When she stepped out, either for a date or just to go shopping, she was always coordinated from head to toe. I was shocked now to see her crouched up in a ball hugging her knees to her chest crying. She had on a plain white Tee shirt, sweat pants and was bare footed. Her hair was a mess, wet and hanging strewed all over the place. Her makeup was ruined with tears. Visible bruises were on her cheeks. Someone had attacked her.The room was truly a mess. There was half eaten pizza smeared on the walls. Popcorn and potato chips mashed into the floor. Soda had been dumped all over the place, on the desk, tables, and chairs and floor. Then I saw one white tennis shoe, Jennifer's, sticking out of a trash can with pizza stains and soda stains all over it.

I dropped my cleaning things and walked through the mess to stand before the sobbing woman. She was still holding the telephone receiver in her shaking little hands. Reaching out to her I stroked her messy hair and bent and told her, "It's going to be alright lady. What ever happened it's all over now. Don't worry we'll get you all better honey."  Like a child would to her father, Jennifer lifted her arms up and hugged herself close to me, and sobbed into my shoulder. I let her. This was not the time for an investigation. It was a time for comforting someone in distress. I just remained bent over her and allowed her to let it all out as I patted her back gently and whispered, "That's right honey, let it all go, it's going to be ok."

After about fifteen minuets or so, she just sat there quietly holding me and weeping. Then she released me and threw herself back against the couch. She looked around the room and said, "I'm sorry for this mess Mr. James. (My first name is James and since I am much older than the average student, they all have taken to using Mister before it, a form of respect I suppose.) I hushed her and said, "Now don't even worry about this mess Jennifer. I've seen worse and I can handle this. I'm more concerned about you girl. Are you alright honey?" She looked away and said, "I can't talk about it right now Mr. James. It was just so awful. I just want to get to my room and shower and go to sleep, after I help you clean up."  Again I told her not to worry about cleaning. 

Then I joked, trying to ease her distress, "Are you trying to take my job?" She got my attempt at humor and for the first time since I arrived, flashed a half smile. I offered her my hand and she attempted to stand. Her knees were still shaky and she fell back down on the sofa. "I know where your room is Jennifer, here let me help you," I offered. Then I bent and swooped the young girl into my arms and carried her toward the door. She hugged my neck as I carried her out. I only saw the one shoe in the trashcan and I didn't figure she'd want that back. I didn't even ask about the other one.

When we got to her room, I gently sat Jennifer down on her chair at her desk. She lived alone and paid extra for the privacy. Her room fit her usual appearance. It was neat and tidy. Her books were all placed together with her tablets and pens and highlighters. Her bed was made and her open closet revealed an assortment of neatly hung clothing. She thanked me and said, "Mr. James," but I stopped her and said, "Jennifer, just call me James." She smiled up through her tear-streaked eyes and said, "Yes sir," so sweetly it almost melted my heart, then said, "Well ah, James, I have to try to wash off this mess. I feel so violated and dirty right now. But I just wanted to thank you for not laughing at me looking like this and all." She cast her eyes away from me and gazed at the floor. My gaze went there too for a moment. I was seeing her cute size six naked feet, but my heart was not on sex as much as compassion for her when I said, "Jennifer," but she stopped me this time. She said, "James, please call me Jenny, as my friends do." Then she added, "At least those I thought were my friends anyways," as her voice trailed off. 
I back towards the door and said, "Thank you Jenny, it is an honor to be considered your friend. Now honey, you go and clean yourself up now, then try to get some rest. I'll go back and clean the study room and no one will be the wiser come morning." Then I added, "If you ever feel like talking, I've got two pretty big ears." It was good to hear her gently laugh as I left.

It was two days since I'd last seen Jenny. She may have been attending classes during the day, but she was nowhere around at night. I figured she'd been holed up in her dorm room trying to sort out what happened. I was going about my usual duties when my pager went off. I called the number and heard a familiar voice. It was Jenny. "Hello James," she said softly. 

"Well hello Jenny, how have you been, feeling better I hope."

"Well, I have a little I suppose," she says then adds, "I was wondering if those ears of yours would be available for a sob story?"

"Sure are friend," I smiled. "Where are you?"

"I'm in my room. If your not busy I could sure use a friend. I've been here since you left the other night trying to sort things out and I need someone to bounce my thoughts against."

"I'll be right up." We both hung up our phones and I headed for the back stair well.

I knocked on her door and Jenny opened it with a soft smile. She was wearing a long red nightshirt and soft fuzzy house slippers. Her hair was brushed out and looked as pretty as ever, yet she had forsaken her make up. Still she was most beautiful. "Come on in," she said and offered me a seat beside her on her couch.  I sat and watched as she crossed her legs. Beside her was a tray with a teapot and two cups. She asked if I cared to join her in a spot of tea. I accepted. She had this habit of bouncing her leg, which caused her dangling slipper to lightly smack against her heel. It was driving me crazy, yet I tried not to stare, well too much anyway.

"So," I began while sipping my tea, "what great thoughts have you come up with Jenny?"

"Well, I might as well start at the beginning. What I am about to tell you may sound a bit weird," she said. "I hope we can keep this between you and I though James. I've just got to get it off my chest to somebody, and I think I can trust you, at least I hope I can."

I had already decided that whatever what on this young woman's mind would be all right with me. I'd seen her at her worst, and the last thing she needed, or that I wanted to do would be to add to her discomfort. I just smiled politely and said, "You have my complete confidence Jenny, I promise." Jenny sighed and sat back. She cradled her cup in her tiny hands and looked straight ahead at a blank spot on the wall, or through it and began her tale.

"It all started last year when a few of the upperclassmen discovered who I am. My father, Matthew Dowden, is not known by name as much as by what he does for a living. He's an oilman with wells producing great wealth in several states. He divorced my mother when I was young and the two of us lived alone. I had anything daddy's little girl could hope for. A pony, toys, clothes, you name it, and I had it all growing up. He kept trying to make up for divorcing my mother. He gave me everything except his time. He never understood that all I really wanted was to be loved by him. Instead, all I ever got was what ever his secretary would send me, some gift to take his place. When I turned twenty-three I found myself with all the material pleasures yet no meaning of life. I never worked, nor was I allowed to leave home, such as it was. It had become my prison. Sure the maids and butlers were always around to cater to me, but no dad! And when he did come home, for a day or two, there was always some big private meeting he had to attend to that cut into what was supposed to be our time together. 

I'd be all excited, expecting that this time we would actually go out to dinner or a museum together, only to get a fax or an email saying, 'Sorry Jen, something came up at the last minuet.' 
One day shortly after my 23'rd birthday I get this post card from Vienna from him stating, 'Jennifer, Julie and I just got wed yesterday,' who the Hell ever Julie is, and it went on to say, 'your new mom and I are leaving for a world cruise, love dad.'  I was devastated! It took me by complete surprise. All those cancelled times I'd missed were probably due to her! The bitch! She stole my father and he'd stolen my childhood."I could not help but feel sympathy for the girl as she spoke. Her sobs returned like the night I 'd last seen her. I put my cup down and leaned over, pulling her close to me. She again sobbed into my shoulder then softly said, "I'm sorry James, but I can't help it."

"It's alright Jenny. I'd like to say I understand but I surely don't, not fully anyway. I mean I've never had that kind of money, but I can see it sure can't buy happiness little one."

She sniffed gently and said, "It really can't," then continued with her story as the tears streaked her cheeks.

"Anyway, that's when I decided to learn to make a living for myself. So I figured I'd learn how to become a secretary, since that's obviously the type of woman daddy likes. I entered this school and have been here ever since. My dad hasn't contacted me because he has no idea where I am. Oh, believe me, he could have easily found me if he wanted to, or cared to. That's just par for the course of our relationship I guess."

Again Jenny sobbed softly. I held her tight and said, "Honey, you don't have to continue. I hate seeing you so upset."

"No, no," she said, "It's alright I want to tell you James. Maybe it's because you are around the same age as my dad that I feel safe exposing myself with you? Or maybe it's because we are so different…" then she abruptly stopped and looked up at me with apologetic eyes. "I didn't mean because you are black James. I'm not prejudice or anything and I didn't mean any offense."

As I brushed back a few soft strands of hair from her face I smiled at her warmly and said, "None taken Jenny. I assumed we were talking about our vast income differences not race." This seemed to put her back at ease somewhat. She settled back with her head resting on my chest, seemingly enjoying the pampering. I held her and rubbed her shoulder.  After a few moments of comforting her, Jenny continued her plight.

"Anyway, it didn't take long for the other girls to notice that I was not the average poor college student. A few of them began snooping around on the computer and found out who my father was. Then it started. "Jenny could you lend me $20 bucks here, or $50 bucks there?" I became the student pansy and I allowed it since I thought, 'What the Hell, it's only money and each month good old daddy added twice what ever I spend to my bank account anyway?' Besides, I actually thought they were my friends! Ha! Some friends.When I finally got tired of supporting these bitches, they turned on me. That's what happened the other night. These three upperclassmen, Sarah Goldman, Tina Collins and Linda Smallman, well they jumped me. James, they used my deepest secrets to torment and brutalize me the other night into doing the most horrible things. When the finished, they trashed the study room and, well…" her voice trailed off and the tears ran down her face once more.

"There, there honey, it's all over now baby," I said consolingly as possible. She sobbed deeply and I held her tightly as she did. I knew these three bitches. They were the 'queens' of the college, or at least they acted like it. They would constantly make unnecessary messes just to cause me extra work. I'd hear them snicker loudly to each other well within my presence things like, "aw Hell just drop that shit on the floor, our fucking janitor will run and clean it up, after all, it's his damn job we're protecting," then they'd glance my way and laugh. Four years I had to bite my tongue and stare daggers at those three haughty bitches. Many times I was summoned to clean their messes. It wasn't my job but they would always seem to have a plumbing emergency. Like the time that damn Tina stuffed toilet paper in her sink and left the water running causing a flood on purpose. Or the night Linda stuffed stockings into her toilet and continued flushing and flushing piss then paged me. That wasn't so bad, the first time, but she did it twice in one night, just to harass me.

Whenever one of these, or other such mishaps occurred, the three of them were present and I'd hear the same snide remarks and snickers.Oh yes, I knew these sluts, but to keep my job I held my tongue. But this time they went too far! I just had to hear the rest of what they did to this already damaged woman. "Ok then Jenny, let's get the rest of that nasty encounter off your chest. What did these little idiots do to you honey?"

Jenny sighed and began. "Well James, you see, the other day just before classes ended they all came to me and said we should have a study party in the back study room. I usually go there anyway but mostly I'm alone in there. They knew that so I figured what the heck. It sounded like fun for a change. They told me to order some snacks and such, which was no big surprise since I always wound up paying anyway, so I agreed. That night we didn't do much studying though. Instead we started a game of truth or dare. They asked and dared each other childish things. Like once Tina dared Linda to eat half a slice of pizza in one bite, big deal. Then one time Sarah had to stuff a handful of chips in her big mouth and chew them with her mouth opened, wow! Yet each time it was my turn the question was either about how much money I was worth, or why I needed a job, or what was my childhood like.  I didn't like answering them so my dares became nasty. I decided I didn't want to play anymore and was about to leave when that slut Sarah turned to me and said, "You aren't going anywhere bitch. You may be daddy's little princess but to us you're nothing but an ugly little troll and tonight we own you pig."

"I was frightened and tried to stand up when Tina tripped me and knocked me to the floor. They all three pounced on me and mashed pizza all in my face laughing at me. Then Linda punched my in my stomach and I cried for them to stop. They laughed and told me to shut up or they would really hurt me. Suddenly I felt a slap across my mouth, which split my lip. Blood spurted everywhere and I was scared to death. 'Stop crying bitch or it will get worse,' Linda hollered, and I chocked back my fears. Then Tina comes up with the bright idea of forcing me to kiss her feet.
I was not even going to do that but then Sarah laughs and says, 'Yeah let's have the little rich bitch sniff and smell all our stinky fucking feet.' The next thing I know Sarah and Linda are behind me forcing me to my knees before Tina, who was kicking off her disgusting sneakers. I felt one of them grab my hair and yank my head back while Tina lifted her sweaty soles up and yelled, 'Lick my feet bitch.' It was so foul smelling James. I'd never been so tormented as I felt my face shoved into her stinky soles. 

She rubbed her feet all over my face, mashing my lips hard against them, laughing all the time at me. Then Sarah yells, 'my turn now slut.' She threw me against Linda who chocked my throat while Tina and Sarah changed places. They were all working together to humiliate me and I cried and begged for them to stop. It only made them laugh all the more."

"Sarah had Tina and Linda force me on my back as she removed her shoes and rubbed her stinky socks on my face. Her feet were moist and smelled like sour cheese as the stench invaded my nostrils. Each time I tried to turn my head someone would punch my stomach, or slap my thighs hard. When that happened I'd open my mouth to scream in pain and that's when Sarah would stick her nasty tasting stinky socked toes into my mouth. After quite some time I guess Sarah got bored with it and said, 'OK Linda you do the little rich bitch!' Linda got up and said, 'Oh no, she aint sniffing my fucking feet I'm too ticklish, besides I have a better idea for the little pig." Then she snatched my shoes off and said, 'hold the bitch to the floor girls.' The other two held me fast, one at my arms and the other at my ankles as Linda poured soda into my sneaker. Then she grabbed my hair and forced my neck to bend toward her and made me drink from my sweaty shoe. I nearly choked as she poured the foul tasting sweat and soda in my mouth. It spilled out all over my face and hair and down my shirt. The three laughed and then Linda smeared a slice of pizza against my foot and stuffed it into my mouth. 'Chew it up slut, make it all gone,' she chided as if I was a baby in a high chair.They kept this shit up for over an hour until they had enough. Then they trashed the place and said I'd be blamed for the mess if I told anyone about what had happened. They also said they'd do worse to me for snitching. Then they all left and, well, I didn't know what to do so that's when I called you James."

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